Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday August 23, 2007

Hello everyone:
Today Angelina met us about 12:30 PM. We went shopping for shoes, shorts, t-shirts and sunglasses for Sergey. I was not prepared for Sergey to stay with us so I only brought dress-up clothes for Sergey for court. It is very hot here, 37C today and 41C yesterday, so shorts are necessary. Angelina met with the judge and he told her he has no openings next week. She explained the situation to the judge and he told her "Maybe" he would find time - "Maybe". Then she asked him if he would waive the ten day waiting period - and we just are not sure how that will go. Sergey basically has no where to go if the judge does not waive the ten day waiting period as the orphanage is closed for construction until October 1. So prayers please!!! While we were waiting for Angelina Sergey called his grandma from the hotel room. He wants to see her before he leaves. He was quite sad until Angelina and he spoke about seeing his grandma. We all decided he could see her after court was finished. He told Angelina that his grandma was very happy that he was being adopted and that he would have a family. We have been to the internet cafe twice today. Sergey loves to play computer games and we had e-mail to check and this site to update. Tomorrow we will meet Angelina and try to find a converter for the computer. Hopefully that item exists in the Ukraine. For all the families travelling to the Ukraine you will need a converter that is 100 watts to convert from 220 volts to 110 volts. Then perhaps we can post some pictures!!
Poka(Informal goodbye in Russian)
Rex, Liz, & Sergey


Tracy said...

Surey Samuel Jones!! Welcome to our family!!! We are hoping and praying that everything will continue to go well and fast and you will soon be here at your new home. Your Aunt Tracy

MAK said...

Hi! Welcome to the family, Sergey! Or should I call you Sam?
We saw the Tues post on Thurs am, but by Thurs pm I saw the Weds and Thurs posts, too. I e-mailed each day's post to Marlene, Chris and Mom, and called and read them all to Mom. She is happy. Glad to hear things are going fairly. You are all in our prayers. Can't wait to read each day's post.
Love, Mary Ann and Babushka